February 2021 – 3’13’’ – Colour – 0.78
Script, direction and editing.
Vesta has been suffering for months. She's been subjected to her boyfriend Alex's remarks and violence. Today, Vesta is at her wits' end. Now Vesta is taking action.
This assembly of three sequence shots presents a story that could have unfolded in just a few hours, but in the end does not.
I was inspired by the Freudian theory of id, ego and superego:
The upper plane, equivalent to the ego, exposes the reality of Alex's unhealthy and abusive hold over Vesta.
The middle plane (id) is merely a hypothesis, a criminal impulse dreamt up by Vesta's unconscious and which would give her immense instant pleasure.
The lower plane is the representation of the superego; her friend's questions about Theo's state of health show the direct consequences of realising such a fantasy and its unfeasibility.
In writing the script, I came up against a number of problems arising from the superimposition of these three planes: it was essential to avoid important actions taking place simultaneously. We also had to maintain the suspense: we couldn't be sure that Vesta had acted on her fantasy until the final scene of the three shots.
Violence domestique, Vengeance, Relations toxiques, Fantasmes et réalité, Freud, Plans séquences, Expérimental, Vertical