February 2022 – 3’ – Color – 1.77
Script, direction et editing
When Loïc learns that humanity will disappear in 13 years' time, he loses interest in life.
Era, the eternal optimist, shows him what can be done in just a few years.
Era, the eternal optimist, shows him what can be done in just a few years.
février 2022 – 3’ – Couleur – 1.77Scénario, réalisation et montage
Imagine explores the fear of the future, a generation's relationship with its uncertain future, and solutions to the inevitability of life. This closed-door scenario could have been a play: every change of mood is justified by Era, who turns on the lights, and Loïc, who turns them off.
The set and props are simple, and the acting can be very physical. I wrote this film following Fabrice Melquiot's Lazzi, which explored the futility of the world through the prism of two managers of a video store in liquidation. In the play, the two protagonists imagine their future life in the countryside. I liked the idea of making an object or situation real through mime and I wanted to use this process in Imagine.
I was also inspired by a late-night conversation I had with a friend, during which we imagined our future. Other personal thoughts and questions also fed into the script.
The set and props are simple, and the acting can be very physical. I wrote this film following Fabrice Melquiot's Lazzi, which explored the futility of the world through the prism of two managers of a video store in liquidation. In the play, the two protagonists imagine their future life in the countryside. I liked the idea of making an object or situation real through mime and I wanted to use this process in Imagine.
I was also inspired by a late-night conversation I had with a friend, during which we imagined our future. Other personal thoughts and questions also fed into the script.
Huis clos, Imagination, Théâtre, Transmission, Peur du futur